التدريسي | عنوان البحث باللغة الانكليزية | حالة البحث |
م د زكي صباح مصيحب | Quality of Life of families for thalassimic child in Kerbala Teaching Hospitals for Children | in progress |
م.د. علي سلام عبيد | Nurses Knowledge about Personal Protective Equipment Donning and Doffing Methods at Al-Hayat Wards in Holy Kerbala’a City Nursing Students’ Perception Concerning Distinguishing Between Nursing Diagnoses Terms According to Nursing Diagnoses Textbook and Common Clinical Terms | in progress |
م م ذو الفقار محمد مسلم | Perceived Social Support, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients at Orthopedic Units in Holly Karbala City Hospitals | in progress |
م م رامي نوري | Comparative Study of Detection and Prevention black hole attack in AODV protocol The Evolution and Development of Multimedia Artificial Intelligence Technology :Integrative review | in submission process in progress |
م م محمد حسن ناصر | Influence of social media on children’s dietery habits at primary schools in karbala holy city | in progress |
م د سمير رزاق عليوي م د احمد سرحان كاظم | Determine Nures’s knowledge towerd Hemodiajysis patients at Al- Husseien Teaching Hospital in karbala City | in progress |
م د زكي صباح م م هدى صباح شهاب الدين | Nurses’ Knowledge of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Holy Kerbala City | in progress |
أ.م.د جمعة جبر عبد الرضا | Assessment of students’ knowledge concerning risk and transmission of Hepatitis B Virus at Al-Safwa college | in progress |
م د عامر محمد غبيش ا.م.د موسى جعفر موسى | Effect of work satisfaction on burnout among nurses in holy kerbala hospitals Evaluation of Nursing Students Knowledge related diabetic foot care in Al -Safwa College University | in progress |
م د علي عبد الرضا علي | Assessment of Students Knowledge abut Checking The Pulse at Nursing Department in Alsafwa University College | in progress |
م د وائل لازم شياع | Assessment of Hemodialysis Patients’ Knowledge regarding Autoimmune Diseases in Holy Karbala Hospitals. | in progress |
م د رافع قدري متعب | Assessment of nurses knowledge about febrile convulsion at Kerbalaa Child Teaching Hospital | in progress |
م د أسامة احمد علي | Assessment of students’ knowledge about symptoms of the Corona virus at Al-Safwa University / College of Nursing | in progress |
م م علي عبد الحسن م م نور علي نعمة | Students’ knowledge toward hepatitis Type C’s means of transmission at alSafwa University college | in progress |
م م محسن صاحب صالح م م علي سعود | Evaluation of nurses’ knowledge of Children with Congenital Jaundice in Karbala Children’s Teaching Hospital | in progress |
م م ميسون عادل خفيف | Assessment of Pregnant Women Knowledge and Practices Toward the prevention of Urinanry Tract Infection in Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching Hospital in Holy Karbala City | in progress |
م د بتول عبد زيد | Constipation, diarrhea, and symptomatic hemorrhoids during pregnancy. | in progress |
م م امنة عدنان مهدي | Evaluation of Quality of Nursing Care Services Provided to Children Under Five Years Based on Integrated Management of child health standard at primary health care centers | in progress |
م م ميثم محمد سلطان | alsafawa Nursing students Knowledge about Breast Cancer | in progress |
م م محمد كاظم صادق | level of anxiety and acceptance of illnesses for thalassimic adults patients | in progress |
م م محمد حسن ناصر | Pediatric nurses knowledge toward factors influences child growth and development in pediatric hospital | in progress |
م م وسام علي جواد م م هبة الله محمد خضير | Risk factors among ischemic heart disease patients at Al-Imam Al-Hussein Medical City in Holy Kerbala | in progress |
م م زهراء محمد وناس م م ساره فليح عيسى | Effect of Ectopic Pregnancy upon Women’s Health in Holy Kerbala City | in progress |
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Ni, Cu and Co Complexes with Azo- Shciff Base Ligandتنزيل